Final projects
Fire Station
Architecture and Urbanism, Bachelor Project
The subject of the bachelor's thesis is the elaboration of documentation for a building permit for the construction of a fire station in Vaduz. The mass of the building is horizontal, respecting the height of the surrounding houses. It doesn't want to stand out, but it still can't deny it. It just has to have that tower. It gives her dignity and a clear purpose. Everyone knows exactly what it is. The black building that looks like carbon and does hide fire fighters. The station is still stopping a vacant plot, but at the same time it retains enough space to create new roads across the local stream towards the open countryside. The main dominant stations are the tower and the roofs of saddle skylights. The roof made of saddle worlds is designed so that it can be used to the maximum for the installation of solar panels, while at the same time its shape resembles the shape of the surrounding mountains. On the edge of the land there is a 25-meter tower, which is connected to the house by an underground floor.