Landscape Architecture


Studio enrolment procedure

Přihlašování do ateliérů probíhá online na webových stránkách fakulty a týká všech ateliérových předmětů včetně diplomního semináře a závěrečných prací (bakalářské a diplomové práce). K dispozici je podrobný harmonogrampostup a manuál. Pravidla stanovuje příkaz děkana FA_PD_2024_04_V01 / 19. 12. 2024.

In the academic year 2024/2025, we are launching a new studio application. If a student does not log into the studio via the website, they will not be enrolled in the studio.

Electronic Applications

Registration applies to all studio courses, including the diploma seminar and diploma project. Login is done through the faculty web interface. There are three rounds of registration. Students are notified of their acceptance or non-acceptance into the studio via the email listed in the Usermap or the email they used to register in the university's exchange student database. A detailed timetableprocedure and guide are available. If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact

Studio Enrolment

Enrolment of studios in the KOS component is entirely the responsibility of the department secretariats. Students are kindly requested not to record their enrollment in the studio course themselves; any unconfirmed enrolments will be deleted. Paper applications and assignments for diploma projects are submitted in parallel to the International Office as before.

Access to Studios

Once you have been enrolled by the secretariat in KOS, access to the studio should be activated on your smartcard by the next day.

Studio courses

Studio teaching is divided into two stages. The first two semesters take place in the studios of the first year, to which students are assigned alphabetically. From the 2nd year onwards, teaching continues in vertical studios, to which students apply according to the studio of their choice, after agreement with the head of the studio.

During the master's program, the student completes the following courses: Design Studio IV, Design Studio V, Design Studio VI, Diploma Seminar Studio, Diploma Project Studio.

6 results

For the content of this site is responsible: RNDr. Jiří Šrubař, Ph.D.