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Life of FA
The Department of Urban Design enters the new academic year under Jana Moravcová's leadership. Pavel Hnilička will head the urban planning studio, while Marek Tichý will head the studio at the Department of...
The winner of the 16th year of the competition for the Břetislav Štorm Prize is Šimon Kříž with his design for the conservation-restoration of the Petrkov Castle complex. Other awards went to the project for...
The conference ‘Architecture and Central Planning in Czechoslovakia and State-Socialist Central Europe’ is the very first outcome of the research grant Stavoprojekt 1948–1953: The Collectivisation of Architectural...
For the third time, the Reborn Design Challenge awarded prizes to architecture and design students from Czech universities. This year, 69 projects were submitted to the competition. The absolute winner was the...
Jakob Dunkl, Gerd Erhartt and Peter Sapp from the Viennese architectural studio querkraft will be visiting professors at the Faculty of Architecture CTU in the academic year 2024/2025. The students will spend the winter...
There are dozens of different types of bins on the streets of Prague. The city has long sought a way to unify its outdoor furniture. In addition to a representative design, it wants to consider practical and economic...
A show of more than 90 artistic bracelets from around the world is taking place at the Metal Museum in Memphis (USA). Oldřich Sládek, a teacher at the Czech Technical University, exhibits the work from the Opus...
The ongoing exhibition of studio projects from the summer semester can be visited until 28 June. It features projects from nearly seventy studios of Architecture and Urbanism, Landscape Architecture and Design. The...
She worked at the Faculty of Architecture of CTU since 2007 in the Department of Development, Science and Research. Over the years, she has become a pillar of the faculty in the solution of grant projects, management of...
Czechoslovak Stavoprojekt is considered the largest design office of its time. However, the post-war reconstruction of the economy and settlement took place throughout Europe. The international conference will shed...
In 2022, the CTU held a selection procedure for the position of director of the GJF. The winner was Karolína Plášková - architect and curator. She studied architecture in Brno, Vaduz and Vienna, where she also...
On 29 April, the final presentation of the projects created within the EuroTeQ Collider project course took place. The assignment came from industrial partners and was linked to the call Enhanced Connections for...
You don't get along with your neighbours and once a year you suffer through a meeting reminiscent of the Czech movie Vlastníci? Participatory housing can be an alternative. Neighbourhood groups are already emerging in...
First-year students from the ZAN Čančík-Sticzay studio participated in a temporary architectural intervention in the space of the town hall courtyard in Vimperk. It serves as an exhibition space and a reminder of the...
The Faculty of Architecture of CTU is one of four European schools that have been awarded the Quality Recognition Certificate of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). It demonstrates that the content,...
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For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.