Final projects
Waldorf Preschool in the Bulovka neighborhood
Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project

Nationwide, we started to hear more about moving away from from standardized testing and too-early, high-pressure academics, the benefits of less screen time and more outdoor play, and the importance of handwork and handwriting. These ideas are not new to the Waldorf education and Waldorf education give particular importance to the architecture of its schools. According to the founder of these schools , Rudolf Steiner, real art should create a relationship between human beings and spirit. Following the design principles of Waldorf education, this thesis proposes a Waldorf preschool which would be located in Bulovka, Prague 8 - Libeň. This thesis focuses on finding a new way to design preschools, which enables children to discover themselves and nature. The thesis will highlight the principles of Waldorf education, how the education principles have an effect on architecture of the building and my own design ideas that I came up with by gathering and combining information.