Double Degree with Politecnico di Milano

The program will last for 5 semesters. Semesters completed at Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) will be recognized as equivalent to those at the CTU FA. Students will spend two semesters at FA CTU and two at the partner university, with the state final exam taking place in Prague. To successfully complete the program, students must earn a minimum of 150 ECTS credits and fulfill the graduation requirements of both FA CTU and Polimi. The diploma thesis will be written in English under the joint supervision of faculty from both institutions.
The conditions for participation are identical to those for Erasmus+ exchanges, for which students must apply at least one year in advance. The trip must be approved by the Vice Dean for Education. The costs of studying abroad will be covered by the Erasmus+ fund, and students may also apply for scholarships provided by the CTU Rector's Office or other sources.
The Double Degree Agreement between Polimi and FA CTU will be signed by the end of 2024. Any updates or changes to the conditions will be communicated to applicants in due course.