Final projects
Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project

The main subject of this diploma thesis is the urbanistic concept of Budějovická and its surroundings. The development focuses on the creation of new public spaces and renewal of the existing one (and its inclusion in a comprehensible system). Proposal also searches for urban reserves (to refill the composition, to offer new public services) and defines larger transformation areas. The proposal works with several scales of the space- from wider relationships - linkages to the city and district (Prague subcenter, metro D, concept of green infrastucture), to the completion of the basic structure of public spaces in the transformation areas and searching for the places of concentration of the events at various levels. And finally also to minor interventions in public space. The main goal of this concept is to create a diverse and resiliant district consisting of legible neighborhoods that offers the rediscovered quality of public space to its inhabitants.