Final projects
Senior House
Architecture and Urbanism, Bachelor Project
The design of a house for seniors is located by the outskirts of Pra¬gue – Uhříněves. The property is located on a quiet street, with mostly residential and family houses with historical brewery in neighbor¬hood. The fundamental idea is based on interior and exterior interactions - the view of the brewery determi¬nes the opening of the inner cou¬rtyard towards it. Corridors in the house are oriented to the yard.The part of ground floor which con¬tains non-residential premises such as office manager, medical office or social hall is oriented to the street. There are two types of facades- corridors with comfortable niches and bays, have a cur¬tain wall, which offer clear views. They work as a link between “heavy” houses. In those, there are private flats, and their facade is covered with roughly trimmed plaster.