
Czech vision. Five schools of architecture will work on projects for the Czech Republic

Students from five schools of architecture will come together to explore the Czech Republic and propose concrete solutions and visions for it. The joint project of the Technical University of Delft, ARCHIP, the faculties of architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Brno University of Technology and the Technical University of Liberec was initiated by Dutch architect, co-founder of the MVRDV studio and visiting professor at the FA CTU Winy Maas.
© 2018 The Why Factory

Afforestation, national parks, industrial production, transport infrastructure, housing, demography, population density, ecology, sociology or economics, these topics will be the focus of the students and the cooperation will also be used for international comparison. They will focus not only on architecture but also on landscape and urban planning.

The pedagogical approach, which relies on relevant data, yet directs solutions towards bold ideas and visions, is typical of the work of The Why Factory (t?f), a think tank at Delft University of Technology led by Winy Maas, which has been working on similar challenges for several years.

An example is the theme and subsequent publication We Want World Wonders, in which students propose new world wonders. Or the City Shocks project, which presented major events, particularly as a result of climate change, that cities can expect to see and how they can respond. That such visionary work is not an end in itself is shown by student work addressing the 2012 viral pandemic that hit planet Earth.

The cooperation of the five schools of architecture will end with an exhibition in the building of the Faculty of Architecture of the CTU in Prague. The presentation will include a catalogue, a short film and a presentation to representatives of the Czech political representation in October this year.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.