Respect for diversity. The FA supports Pride Week
The FA prides itself on respect and diversity, respect for human rights and the creation of spaces of safety and belonging. Inclusion is represented on the flag by a wedge whose colours represent trans* and intersex people as well as different races and ethnicities that tend to be marginalised. "We want to use this to show our support for diversity of sexual and gender identities. And to publicly stand up for respect and recognition of diversity as an educational institution," Dita Jahodová, ombudswoman of the FA CTU.
The CTU has an LGBTQ+ club Galibi, which brings together students, alumni and their friends. It welcomes everyone who wants to join in regular meetings, sports and other activities. You can also join Galibi in the parade at Prague Pride on August 12, or stop by their booth at Letná.
Topics related to gender identity are also addressed in their projects by FA students. This spring, Robin Doleček from the Design programme successfully defended his bachelor's project focused on the chest binder, a special underwear for trans* people that allows them to more easily navigate society in their preferred gender. As part of Pride week, we feature an interview with him here.