The Urban Design Award competition is announced annually by the FA ČVUT in Prague with the main partner of the Association for Urbanism and Spatial Planning of the Czech Republic. The competition is open to all full-time students of the co-organizing universities (except for the diploma project) from Visegrad 4 countries. The competition proposals are evaluated by an international jury composed mainly of architects and urban planning experts working outside the academic environment. The competition works are thus confronted with the practice in the field of urbanism and spatial planning. The partners of the competition are national associations of urban planners (AUUP ČR, MUT, TUP, ZUUPS).

The contest is for all students who have created a studio semester work in a given academic year registered as an urban development project. Master's diploma projects cannot be entered into the competition. The organizers decided for the international title of the contest because the circle of organizing schools is still expanding and other foreign faculties are joining.

Have you created an urban project that is worth sharing with others? Do you want to compete with students from other universities and have your project assessed by practicing urban planners?

What makes the competition unique?

The competition links academia with experts outside academia. Most of the judges are nominated from among them. It involves leading architects, project managers, city officials, ministries or city chief architects. Students, and at the same time their teachers, are confronted with the perspective of the practice. At the same time, it gives a valuable overview of the approach to teaching urban planning in various universities.

The competition is organised not only by the Department of Spatial Planning of the Faculty of Architecture of the CTU, but also by the Faculty of Civil engineering - CTU in Prague, Faculty of Architecture - BUT in Brno, Faculty of Architecture - STU in Bratislava, Faculty of Architecture - PWr in Wroclaw, Faculty of Architecture - PG in Gdansk and Faculty of Architecture - BME in Budapest.

Applications must be sent using the web form together with the portfolio ready for printing A3 (PDF format, max. 15 pages + caption, 300 dpi). Minimum scope of work: design diagram or principles of solutions including analytical part, relevant situations, spatial documentation (perspectives, axonometry).

Competition Awards:

1. prize – 600 eur
2. prize – 350 eur
3. prize – 250 eur
Awards (together) – 360 eur

Application form


For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.