Final projects
Town Hall - Prague 7
Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project
This diploma thesis topic is focused on the localization of the non-existing centre of the Prague 7 district with its new town hall building. The development of this district has caused Prague 7 to become two insulated city quarters - Holešovice and Bubny(Letná). The barrier between them is formed by the unused area of the train station Bubenské nádraží. It is necessary to mention that this large area has a great potential for the capital city Prague and the local district. The project defines the new centre in the area where the northern vestibule of Vltavská metro station is planned and next to the planned railway station on the routePrague-Ruzyně-Kladno. Its life will be nourished with the inhabitants of Prague 7 and with the life of the entire city and its surroundings. The new town hall of Prague 7 is the main feature of this area. Its solid composition with the town hall tower represents a sort of "beacon" of the district. Town hall concept is based on openness, transparency and proximity to the district inhabitants. The town hall works with its inner space in an interesting way and communicates with its environment - the main square of the district.