Final projects
Cultural Hub Žatec
Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project

The hops processing building is an industrial building located in Nerudovo Square and is in a very neglected state today. The Complex consists of a combination of three different buildings and these three parts have direct communication to the courtyard. In this way, the building can establish very strong relationships with nature and other structures around it. Using the complex as a cultural center is important in terms of making Zatec province more attractive and being an exemplary design for recycling. Three main functions of the complex; bar, yoga center, and library, but all the buildings also work with the courtyard and it is envisaged that the same functions will continue in the courtyard. The bar building is the smallest façade and is the first piece of building that welcomes you from Nerudovo Square. For this reason, an industrial green facade was created on the facade, inspired by the proportions of the old building. The yoga center, when viewed from the courtyard, is associated with the public greener from the bar and the other side of the street with the greatest traces of opening. These analyses nurtured the idea of green continuing through the building. The library structure, which has the largest area and number of floors in the complex, contains a kino, conference hall, cafe, and special study areas. The design completely aims to preserve the atmosphere of the building at the maximum level and to reach the present day. The demolished green roof of the building is the green roof in the project; The shrubs in the interior of the building inspired the interior gardens inside the building. As a result, while trying to preserve all the existing and past features of the building, modern additions were arranged by making use of the ruined parts of the building, the existing damage of the building, and the traces of the past. In the interior architecture of the project, industrial (yet cozy) material colors dominate.