Workshop Athens
From 14 to 18 March, our faculty hosted participants of the international workshop implemented within the ATHENS programme. Under the guidance of our teachers, thirty international students of technical disciplines immersed themselves in the discovery of the city using the tools of urban analysis.
The intensive workshop combined guided excursions, theoretical lectures and analytical work.We believe that during their stay in Prague the participants became more conscious observers of the built environment in which they move on a daily basis.
What is ATHENS?
The ATHENS (Advanced Technology Higher Education Network, Socrates) programme was launched in 1997 with the support of the European Commission. It brings together 16 major European technical universities. It is mainly ParisTech (an association of the 10 most important Parisian Grandes Ecoles d'Ingemieurs, namely ENGREF, ENPC, ENSAM, ENSCP, ENSMP, ENST, ENSTA, Ecole Polytechnique, ESPCI, INAGP), CTU in Prague, TU Delft, KU Leuven, INST Lisboa, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, UP Madrid, NTNU Trondheim, TU Budapest, TU Wien, Politecnico di Milano, TU Munich, TU Warsaw, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Istanbul Technical University and University Politehnica of Bucharest.
Within the framework of the ATHENS programme, these universities provide week-long intensive courses in modern disciplines and technologies at the cutting-edge scientific level to senior students of the partner technical universities. The technical part of the courses is taught in English, French or Spanish for 30 hours. It is complemented by a cultural programme of 12-15 hours, in which students have the opportunity to get to know the culture and environment of the country in question. It is common for many students to apply to the school for further study after completing such courses.