who teaches
Landscape architecture management is understood as a comprehensive sum of all necessary activities for planning, establishment and care of greenery in public space, aimed at achieving its maximum possible quality with optimal use of available resources. For teaching purposes, management will be structurally divided as follows: area management, resource management, conflict management and communication management.
As part of area management, planning tools will be taught, ie territorial analytical documents (general greenery in the field); technical and operational tools, especially green passport, dendrological survey, maintenance project, cultivation measures project; conceptual tools, especially development programs (territorial studies, green infrastructure studies, etc.)
As part of resource management, models of financing landscaping, methods of valuing tree species, methods of constructing price calculations, calculations and land use reports will be discussed.
Conflict management and communication will address the diverse and often conflicting requirements of target groups of professionals, politicians and citizens. Various techniques of solution and reaching a consensus of individual interest groups will be presented here. The whole scope of the course will be taught in lectures and for the whole range of taught issues will be assigned a semester work, the elaboration and submission of which will be an integral part of the conditions for successful completion of the course.
The minimum number of students to open the course is 5. EXCEPTION for self-paying students: if there are less than 5 students, the course will be taught in consultations.