"I consider the primary contribution of Josef Šafařík's work to be the analysis of the relationship between the composition, format and frame, which defines his field. He copes with the consequences of technical progress, which expanded the means of artistic expression and opened up the exploration of the relationship between art and science (among other things, the discoveries of astronomy, the pulsations of the stars, the organic morphology of nature, etc.). He transfers them to the field of artistic creation. Against Nagy's characterization of kinetic installations as a methodological sequence of structure-texture-fact, he prefers Arnheim's holistic analysis of the artistic reflexion of space, which has evolved from its traditional definition by the square and the circle to a duality of cosmic and Cartesian concepts. It conforms to the interactive possibilities of contemporary artistic expression offered by the entry of computers into the creative process. The digital image has become a new means of pictorially representing the idea of reality. Its virtual form was deepened by the 3D system.
In this context, Josef Šafařík theoretically proves that the computer method does not prevent the effectiveness of perceiving the image of reality with all senses and does not prevent the participation of emotions.
Digitisation presupposes working with a predetermined screen format, which defines a set area and is in fact a traditional frame. The stored program is the result of the author's participation in the project, even if the computer is capable of correcting it itself (as Šafařík has demonstrated with the realization of the Render project and others)."
Doc. PhDr. Jiří Šetlík, CSc. on the Render project (VŠUP Gallery 2009)
+777 936 664
+420 224 356 267
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