
Design Experiences lecture series for the second time

The Design Experiences lecture series organized by the Department of Design will present three foreign personalities during October and will convey their experiences from research and practice. Berlin-based studio Chmara.Rosinke, British teacher and researcher at the Royal College of Art in London Dr. Robert Phillips and Associate Professor and Head of Research at the Geneva School of Art and Design Anthony Masure will present their work and approach to the design process.

The Design Experiences lecture series focuses on providing experiences from interdisciplinary areas of design theory and practice. The aim of the lectures by prominent Czech and international experts is not only to broaden awareness of current design topics, but also to create a wider network of students, researchers and experts and to build a space for possible collaboration. After a series of three lectures in May this year, it returns to the FA again.

Programme of lectures of the Design Experiences series

  • 20. 10. 2021 17.00 Dr. Robert Phillips – 'Ecological Citizenship' Designing toward as a catalyst for social change
  • 22. 10. 2021 18.00 Anthony Masure – Design & Machine learning: automation takes command?
  • 27. 10. 2021, 18.30 Chmara.Rosinka – Why do kitchens need wheels?

Information about speakers:

Dr. Robert Phillips

Dr. Rob Phillips is a senior lecturer at the Royal College of Art, London, on the Design Products + Futures programme. His research explores the theme of 'Engage Design' and how to reduce human impact. Part of his work involves trying to gain insight into what people are actually doing and finding ways in which we can be "FutureKind" and "PlanetKind". His dissertation work resulted in teaching methods now used at the MIT Media Lab, Stanford, Cornell, among others. Dr. Phillips is a specialist in creating user-centered solutions and involving the public in the design process and co-decision making. Dr. Phillips has published in scholarly journals such as Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), Design Issues Journal (MIT Press), The Design Journal (Routledge), and Business & Society (Intellect Press).

Anthony Masure

Anthony Masure is Associate Professor and Head of Research at the Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD-Genève, HES-SO). His research focuses on the social, political and aesthetic implications of digital technology. He is co-founder of the research journals Back Office and Réel-Virtuel. He is also the author of the essay Design et humanités numériques ("Design and Digital Humanities," B42 Editions, 2017).


Chmara.Rosinke is an international creative studio that designs, directs and realizes objects, interiors and pop-ups from concept to creation. They strive to combine craftsmanship with a conceptual and ecological approach and realize projects on commission and on their own initiative. Many of their works are inspired by functional and socio-cultural aspects, which are translated into objects after thorough analysis and research. In his designs, Chmara.Rosinke pays close attention to the details and emotions that objects and spaces evoke in people. Above all, they see aesthetics as an important factor in sustainability.

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