Urban, rural and landscape development. FA study module awarded by the Association of European Planning Schools

AESOP, which brings together more than 150 European schools, awarded the Faculty of Architecture a quality certificate based on a demanding evaluation process of the teaching in the Spatial Planning Module. The Spatial Planning Module provides a comprehensive education, has a balanced composition of subjects, covers local as well as regional and international scales of planning and cultivates students' values towards social and environmental aspects of territorial development.
The Spatial Planning module is designed for students of the Master's degree programme in Architecture and Urbanism. It prepares them for a professional career as urban and spatial planners, creators and driving forces behind the development of any territory.
The teaching is based on the development of one selected Czech city and its surrounding region. In previous years, the topics have included the development of Mnichovo Hradiště, Hořovice, Český Brod, Čelákovice, Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Milovice or Kralupy nad Vltavou.
The mining town of Příbram and its surrounding region is the territory addressed in the current run of the module 2023-2024. Within the framework of studio projects, students try out the design of a vision and concept of the development of the entire city, and prepare a spatial and regulatory plan of the selected area.