
PhDr. Ing. arch. Lenka Burgerová, Ph.D.

Research projects

duration of the project
In the last decades we are witnessing the consensus among the major part of the society on the research of sustainable development in all possible people´s fields of activity. In the sustainability concept, the change of the spatial structures of the city is a special challenge: the decisions taken today are fixed in the built enviroment for long decades, if not centuries. There is an increasing integration of the countries into one system defined by strong economical and cultural links - this is what we call globalisation. The globalisation affect all the localities, cities, the country and causes continuing change we are witnessing. Geographical flexibility and independence of the global companies lead often to schematic and characteristic use of the space, without the relation to the context. It is a direction contrary to the sense of what we call sustainable development. In the post- socialistic cities including czech cities the city fabric and the city image begins to change som
Responsible person
Peltan, T.
duration of the project
Sustainable development has rightly come into the focus of all developed societies. A special role in the area of sustainable development research is that of spatial structures. Spatial structures related decisions are specific as they have high momentum and substantial importance for the life of society. The topic of sustainable development is characteristic by its high complexity, context dependency and necessity of holistic attitude. This is partially in contrast with general scientific research process, which is characterized by focalization on a single topic with avoiding the context-based uncertainties. Therefore the proposed project aims to improve the perception of context in particular topics and in consequence to increase the level of insight of individual students into the topics of their theses. The next aim is to increase the level of understanding of the sustainable development in the area of urban design and spatial planning with accent on searching the relations betwe

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Jana Moravcová