
Heritage and morphology: street as an object

Ing. arch. Vít Rýpar

The paper presents a historico-geographical analysis of six towns. The study was recently introduced as a part of a methodology to characterise heterogenous spatial qualities of historic urban tissues in order to improve the areal heritage conservation in Czechia. Therefore, its focal point is the historic town core and its environment. The applied historico-geographical segment of the methodology comprises of three-level scale resolution and three historical time frames analysis. Its aim is to identify and describe valuable patterns and elements in respective levels of abstraction. The particular section discussed shows an experimental approach in which the diverse spatial characteristics of an urban tissue are analysed as a quality of a street space rather than of the blocks. The goal is to near the analysis of a town plan to the experience of a townscape, to switch the significance of a street from a border to an object.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.