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Salahieh, D. - Asaeed, S., - Zibar, L.
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Journal of Social Archaeology. 2024,
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This paper examines how armed conflict impacts the recalibration of Aleppo’s historic urban and cultural fabric, using the Al-Jdeideh quarter as a case study. This article critically reflects on the ongoing (post-)conflict, top-down (post-)reconstruction activities in Aleppo’s historic core, drawing on ethnographic research of visual mapping and semi-structured interviews with current Aleppo dwellers in the city and former dwellers displaced across Europe. Our findings highlight that the current reconstruction activities lack locals’ values and needs, and amplify the altered socio-economic dynamics between the (former) communities’ absence and presence. Therefore, these activities are resulting in a skewed representation of what once was a major hub of culture, commerce, heritage, and everyday life. As such, the paper argues that the current reconstruction attempts lack a comprehensive and context-specific approach, and need to explore more inclusive pathways of human-centered and sustainable recovery.
Marji, N. - Kohout, M. - Chen, L. - Ravi Kumar, A., - Emir Isik, G.
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In: Regional Development Between Theory and Practice - Regional Development as Part of Europe's Sustainable Transformation. Prague: ACTA Polytechnica CTU, 2024. vol. 46. ISBN 978-80-01-07276-9.
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Smart cities continue to be discussed throughout Europe as a result of the continent's rising urbanization and the need for sustainable development. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly promote this shift by assisting cities in becoming more effective, sustainable, and receptive to the requirements of their residents. This study examines the potential and difficulties of AI in urban development and presents a framework for incorporating AI into city planning and management. This study evaluates the advantages of AI in fostering public involvement, reducing costs, and enhancing city services, as well as the potential challenges related to data privacy, ethics, and socioeconomic imbalance. It does this by using examples from European cities. This study presents a set of ethical and inclusive AI criteria, such as transparency, inclusion, and accountability, to enable responsible AI research and implementation. It continues by emphasizing the need for efficient AI integration in smart cities and pushing for a holistic AI-enabled transition to inclusive and sustainable smart cities.
Marji, N. - Kohout, M. - Chen, L. - Ravi Kumar, A., - Emir Isik, G.
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In: Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2024. p. 85-93. ISSN 2336-5382. ISBN 978-80-01-07276-9.
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Smart cities continue to be discussed throughout Europe as a result of the continent’s rising urbanization and the need for sustainable development. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly promote this shift by assisting cities in becoming more effective, sustainable, and receptive to the requirements of their residents. The goal of this study is to examine the potential and difficulties of AI in urban development and present a framework for incorporating AI into city planning and management in European cities. This is done by analyzing case study examples from European cities and examining primary and secondary data sources, with the aim of providing a comprehensive framework for the sustainable integration of AI systems. This study presents a set of ethical and inclusive AI criteria, such as transparency, inclusion, and accountability, to enable responsible AI research and implementation. It continues by emphasizing the need for efficient AI integration in smart cities and pushing for a holistic AI-enabled transition to inclusive and sustainable smart cities.
Chen, L. - Marji, N. - Emir Isik, G., - Ravi Kumar, A.
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In: Transforming the City: Inquiries on Wellbeing in the Urban Habitat. Vernon Press, 2024.
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According to United Nations statistics for 2019, the number of people aged 65 or over is projected to reach 1.5 billion by 2050. The global trend of population ageing will place pressure on countries in terms of infrastructure, social security, health care, public policy, and innovation in mindsets. Simultaneously, the development of digital technology has led to a variety of lifestyles and cognitive transformations that are not as widespread among the older population. In these challenging times, the need to reduce the gap between older adults and digital technology has become a crucial social issue, and Social Innovation, as the vital opportunity to solve intractable social problems, needs to be leveraged to address broader issues. This paper explores new approaches to social innovation in the digital technology age, based on the context of age-friendly community transitions. Through an analysis of digital practices in ageing communities, a process framework is proposed that provides a pathway for communities to become age-friendly and liveable, and enhance the quality of life of older residents, enabling them to become more involved in community development and resulting in sustainable improvements in their living environment.
Ravi Kumar, A. - Marji, N. - Emir Isik, G., - Chen, L.
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In: Livable Cities: A Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities. AMPS, 2024. p. 216-225. ISSN 2398-9467.
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In the 1950s and 60s, the Czechoslovak government prioritised heavy industry and energy, relying heavily on brown coal. The largest coal deposits were in the Ore Mountains foothills, and mining was the only activity in these areas, damaging the environment, the built environment, social structures, and public health. Mining was incentivised, increasing the quantity of coal mined and leading to overburdening. In the 1970s, the craze for coal was in full swing as cities were swallowed up one after another. Not even the royal City of Most was spared devastation. Once mining operations were conducted, the historic centre of Most was obliterated to expose over 85 million tons of coal. Soon after, the City of Most was subjected to mining-induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR), but planners envisioned the new city as a model of sustainability. The city shrank, affecting its social and cultural aspects and causing the loss of historical heritage and local communities due to migration and landscape development. Consequently, it led to total ecological destabilisation, elimination of aesthetic values and reduced recreational potential in the City of Most. Therefore, the post-mining city is now called "landscapes without a memory".
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Twin (DT) offer architects and planners new ways to collaborate with stakeholders, users, and other professionals. Immersive experiences have changed how ideas are presented and provide avenues for development. This research proposes a framework for using technology applications as a public participation tool to communicate development ideas and strategies for reclaiming the built environment of the resettled City of Most, Czech Republic, in line with sustainable development.
Salahieh, D. - Zibar, L., - Fialová, I.
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In: IN-PRESENCE / THE BODY AND THE SPACE The role of corporeity in the era of virtualization. PUBLICA, 2024. ISBN 9788899586409.
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Ravi Kumar, A. - Marji, N. - Chen, L., - Emir Isik, G.
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In: Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2024. p. 40-46. ISSN 2336-5382. ISBN 978-80-01-07276-9.
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This article investigates the phenomenon of mining-induced displacement and resettlement (MIDR) in post-mining cities, specifically focusing on Most City in the Czech Republic. Post-mining cities often face challenges associated with population decline, ageing infrastructure, and a lack of economic opportunities. To address these challenges, some cities have implemented urban relocation programs to consolidate populations and resources in more sustainable locations. However, the effectiveness of such programs needs to be better understood. This article presents the case study of Most City to explore the dynamics of MIDR of post-mining cities. Drawing on interviews with city officials, residents, and experts, as well as a review of relevant literature, the article identifies the key drivers and challenges of MIDR in the context of Most City. The paper also evaluates the outcomes of the relocation program in terms of social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Ultimately, this article discusses that MIDR can be a viable strategy for post-mining cities, provided that it is implemented in a manner that caters to the specific needs and challenges of each city, with the aid of digital technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI).
Kloda, M.
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Materiály pro stavbu. 2024, 30(5), ISSN 1213-0311.
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Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj (MMR) připravuje po „rekodifikaci“ stavebního práva „velkou novelu“ zákona 360/1992 Sb. o výkonu povolání autorizovaných architektů, inženýrů a techniků činných ve výstavbě. Obsahem novely je, mimo jiné, přesun některých samosprávných kompetencí Komor na Ministerstvo. Konkrétně jde o kontrolu MMR nad obsahem a rozsahem činností dle jednotlivých oborů autorizace. Proč by to znamenalo návrat do hluboké minulosti? Je návrh ministerstva pro naše profese nepřijatelný? Vracíme se k pouhé „regulaci oprávnění“ pro vybrané činnosti ve výstavbě, s Komorami coby „správci razítka“?
Kloda, M.
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In: Urbanscapes Praha 2024. Praha: Společnost pro zahradní a krajinářskou tvorbu, z.s., 2024. p. 54.
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Měřítka kvality či nekvality nejsou iluzorní ani zbytečná. Kdybyste nevycházeli z rozhodnutí, že to co právě děláte je lepší než alternativy, nedělali byste to. "Hodnotově neutrální rozhodnutí" je protimluv. (Peterson J., 2018) Měřítka kvality jsou přirozeně obtížně kvantifikovatelná. K hodnocení kvality je potřeba použít jiné metody než pouhé poměřování kvantitativních parametrů. S teorií holistického posuzování kvality vystavěného prostředí se nyní zejména v německé jazykové oblasti prosazuje koncept Baukultur.
Příspěvek je podpořen grantem SVK ČVUT 2024 číslo FIS:181-1612406E000
Stanjura, P.
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In: Prostor pro život. Cesty. Sborník mezinárodní konference Krajina Sídla Památky 2024. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2024. ISBN 978-80-214-6263-2.
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Horní a Dolní Slezsko mělo strategickou polohu v celém evropském prostoru, což dokládají trasy významných historických obchodních cest, jantarové stezky a Via Regia. Při bližším pohledu na kontext Slezska a „české kotliny“ dokazuje provázanost těchto entit hustá síť obchodních cest. Po roce 1742 bylo jednotné území Slezska rozděleno mezi dvě mocnosti, Rakousko a Prusko. V ohnisku událostí se ocitají královská přemyslovská města Opava a Krnov. Z pohledu svého vývoje, města souputnická, se po 5. stoletích územně integrovaného rozvoje od udělení městských práv ocitají náhle na periferii. Městská tkáň obou jader ze 14. století, byla značně poškozena v období druhé světové války; to se vztahuje pouze k Opavě, a následně vlivem realizovaných socialistických idejí a národnostní doktríny. Dvojice měst je podrobně mapována a analyzována metodikou mapování atributů jejich komplexní identity (Jehlík et al., 2020). V článku je představena část výzkumu, který ve čtyřech měřítkových úrovních cílí na mapování specifik vývoje cestní sítě od nadregionálních vazeb, přes rozhraní města a krajiny; zejména vývoje lokalit městských bran, dále přes porovnání vývoje typologie zástavby při konstitutivní cestní síti a mimo ni, a zatím pouze na několika příkladech, až po detailní porovnání půdorysných rozvrhů objektů dle jejich polohy v uliční síti. Dílčí závěry dokládají přetrvávající tlak od období socialismu do dnešních dnů na transformaci klíčových veřejných prostranství vycházející z absence korektních a široce sdílených morfologických analýz.