Pozemní stavitelství VII


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Statsenko, L., Samaraweera, A., Bakshi, J., Chileshe, N.(2023). Construction 4.0 technologies and applications: a systematic literature review of trends and potential areas for development. ISSN 1471-4175

Szolomicki, J., Golasz-Szolomicka, H. (2019). Technological Advances and Trends in Modern High-Rise Buildings. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/9/9/193

Pfoser, N. (2024). Green Facades. ISBN: 978-3-95553-620-6

Hofmeister, S., (2022). Timber Buildings S, M, L. ISBN: 9783955535872

Hofmeister, S., (2023). Brick Buildings S, M, L. ISBN: 978-3-95553-599-5

Hillebrandt, A., Riegler-Floors, P., Rosen, A., Segewies, J.-K. (2019). Manual of Recycling. Buildings as sources of materials. ISBN: 9783955534929

Bott, H.,Grassl, G., Anders, S. (2019). Sustainable Urban Planning. Vibrant Neighbourhoods – Smart Cities – Resilience. ISBN: 9783955534622

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: RNDr. Jiří Šrubař, Ph.D.